Reading Framework
VolkerLaser has recently completed two projects on behalf of Reading Borough Council, as part of a £4m framework of structural improvements in the Reading area.

Kings Meadow Footbridge
Back in June, our team began a 13-week programme to replace a footbridge in the popular park, Kings Meadow. The existing wooden structure was deteriorating due to years of use by pedestrians and cyclists.
Our specialist team set diversions in place, proceeded to remove the existing structure, and undertake preparatory works needed prior to the installation of the replacement bridge. The new bridge was designed to be more than double the width of the old one and was built from more modern and durable materials to ensure the bridge was fit for use for many years to come.
A concrete retaining wall was built on the southwest corner of the bridge and the new 4.5m wide glass fibre-reinforced polymer structure was installed. New railings and bollards were also installed, prior to the team re-opening the bridge for use more nearly two weeks ahead of schedule.

Reading Subway Station
On 20 August 2024, our team completed a £400,000 project on a Reading subway station, opening the refurbished underpass ahead of the Reading Festival this weekend.
The underpass is a key route between Reading town centre and Christchurch Bridge and Caversham and was identified as needing significant refurbishment including repairs to tiling and clearer signs for visitors.
The team completed refurbishment works after 14 weeks.
Karen Rowland, the council's lead councillor for environmental services and community safety, said:
“The refurbished underpass is a significantly more welcoming and refreshed route for all parties in facilitating both sides of the station. I’m really happy we’ve been able to respond to the long-desired wishes of so many residents to open up the subway for cyclists. Thank you to all residents for their patience whilst we made these improvements. I do hope you’ll enjoy the difference next time you use the subway and agree that the inconvenience was worth the wait in the end.”
Both projects were successfully and professionally completed by the VolkerLaser Reading Framework team, who continue to enhance our reputation for quality, self-delivery and collaboration.